SNAs – national wide

SNAs – national wide

Golden Bay farmers ‘overwhelmed’ by raft of reforms This is typical of the effect SNAs are having on rural communities nationwide. It requires a united response.  

SNAs: Incentives or compulsion?

SNAs: Incentives or compulsion?

The Act Party has said it would remove the requirement for councils to identify Significant Natural Areas through the National Policy Statement for Indigenous Biodiversity, It would instead offer financial incentives for landowners to improve the green environment. This is a position the Landowners Coalition has argued since its inception. … Continue reading

Court of Appeal

Court of Appeal

Notice to Supporters Thank you to everyone who has supported our fundraising campaign to refer the Hgh Court decision in the Edwards case to the Court of Appeal. A notice of appeal has been filed. A number of Applicants to the High Court case have also appealed, essentially arguing that … Continue reading

Kupe’s law vs Cooks law

Kupe’s law vs Cooks law

“The previous National Government’s decision to include references to tikanga in the Marine and Coastal Area Act has come home to roost because it has resulted in a complete distortion of the common law.”, says Act NZ. To read the full press release see: Does this mean we now have … Continue reading

“Land Grab” in Northland

“Land Grab” in Northland

Some are describing it as a land grab. Others are saying it’s confiscation by stealth. However it is described, almost half of the land area of the Far North District Council will be affected if the proposed designation of significant natural areas (SNAs) goes ahead. This is not the first … Continue reading

Foreshore & Seabed legislation

Foreshore & Seabed legislation

Notice to supporters As you will be aware Justice Churchman has delivered his decision in the Edwards case, the first of 202 cases before the High Court seeling customary title to the foreshore and seabed. As you also know, the Landowners Coalition is what’s referred to as an Interested Party … Continue reading

No trust in landowners

Last week commissioners began hearing submissions on what is the most significant change in Whangarei District Council planning rules in decades. Alarmingly, few people actually realise the new rules are in the pipeline. Hardly a word has been mentioned in the media, and the Council itself did not hold any public meetings to inform the public of the changes. Continue reading