Last week the Landowners Coalition participated in a mediation involving a District Plan Change initiated by the Whangarei District Council regarding Papakainga developments. While the mediation remains confidential until ratified by the Environment Court, there are some general comments about mediations that are worth sharing. But first, let’s recap on … Continue reading
Category Archives: Papakāinga
Landowners coalition lodges appeal to Papakainga plan change
The Landowners Coalition has lodged an appeal to Plan Change 94B Papakainga with the Environment Court. In general terms, our concerns relate to the inclusion of industrial and commercial activities as a permitted activity, whether directly related to the communal activity or not, the intensity of permitted residential development, and … Continue reading
Update on plan changes PC85 A-D, PC86A and B, PC87, PC102, PC114
Hearing for the plan changes will be taking place from 3 July 2017 through until 7 July 2017. Submitters who said they would like to speak to their submission will be contacted by the WDC to allocate a time. The plan changes are being heard together by one Hearing Panel … Continue reading
Spelling it out
Plan Change 94B Papakāinga is progressing through the planning process. Last Monday, those who had made written submissions had the opportunity to voice their opposition or support to the hearings panel. I presented a submission on behalf of a community group advocating landowner rights. That panel consisted of three commissioners; … Continue reading
Submission to commissioners
On 21 November Bob Syron and Frank Newman presented the following submission to the hearings panel. TALKING NOTES Our submission will state out our 9 points of general submission, then make 3 points regarding process, and lastly suggest a way forward. GENERAL POSITION – 9 points 1) That environmental effects … Continue reading
Further Submission to Papakainga Plan Change (94B)
The opportunity to make cross submissions to Papakainga Plan Change (94B) closes this Tuesday the 23rd of August. Making a further submission allows a submitter to expand their earlier submission to include matters addressed by other submitters. We have made a number of further submissions, one in support and five … Continue reading
Silence from DoC and EDS

DoC and Environmental Defense Society (EDS) have remained silent about Plan Change 94b Papakāinga developments. They have not made any submission to the plan change. Why? If passed in its current form, the effects on the environment would be potentially very significant. Is it that DoC and EDS believe developments by Maori … Continue reading
Papakāinga developments
The Whangarei District Council (WDC) is going to make it easier for some landowners to develop their land. The Papakainga Plan Change (94B) has been released for public consultation. According to the WDC, “The purpose of PC94B is to provide opportunities for Māori land owners to develop and live on … Continue reading
Submission to Papakainga Plan Change (94B)
Form 5 – Submission on a change proposed to the District Plan Plan change 94b Papakāinga Whangarei District Council, Policy and Monitoring Division Private Bag 9023 Whangarei 0148 Attn: Melissa McGrath FULL NAME: Landowners Coalition Inc. POSTAL ADDRESS: PO Box 984, Whangarei 0140 TELEPHONE: 09 4343 836 EMAIL: … Continue reading